Please take the time to review the changes in crime statistics listed below for a year to year comparison as it relates to Eastern Division. Please remember to sign on to and for statistics and alerts in your specific area.
2010 2011 %Change
Murder 0 3 N/A
Rape 26 29 11.5%
Robbery 140 120 -14.3%
Aggravated Assault 286 225 -21.3%
Violent Crime Totals: 452 377 -16.6%
Residential Burglary 433 452 4.4%
Commercial Burglary 402 376 -6.5%
Larceny 2,979 2,659 -10.7%
Motor Vehicle Theft 681 631 -7.3%
Property Crime Total: 4,495 4,118 -8.4%
Crime Index Total 4,947 4,495 -9.1%
Car Prowls 1,629 1,090 -33.1%